Thursday, May 2, 2013

Teacher, teacher

Next week is Teacher Appreciation week.  These things always sneak up on me.  I procrastinate, and push to the side until the last minute.  So, yesterday I thought I was thinking ahead and getting all of this together, only to realize my printer is out of ink!!  ARGH!  Oh well, I can fix that.  But, still it puts me a little behind.

So, since I have a little time, I was pondering my favorite teachers and what they meant to me.  I think most of us have several favorites.  The first is probably your kindergarten teacher.  She/He is the first person who comforted us when we were away from mom.  They taught us our alphabet and made it fun!  With my oldest just being a kindergartener, I have a whole new appreciation for them.  My kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Pam.  I can't remember her last name, but she was a sweet lady with kindness in her eyes, and patience the size of Texas.  There are other teachers who stick out too, but some I can't remember their names, only the class and their encouragement.  My chorus teacher in grade school, my english teacher in college (Mrs. Ruth-I remember that one!), my science teachers-all of them!! I loved science!!  There are others, but I feel like I would wear you out by writing them all.

Anyway, I was just pondering, amidst the baby crying and the kids screaming and playing........

So in honor of all of my favorite teachers, and all of my son's teachers I posted a few little printables for a quick treat for your favorite teacher.  Show them how much you love them!!  Enjoy!